Tri-Cities Christian School

Meeting students social and emotional needs, one child at a time

Program Options

At Tri-Cities Christian School we believe that school is not a "one-size fits all".  That's why we are now offering more freedom in your child's educational journey!  Our Full Day Private School program is the best of both worlds.  Students attend all academic and connections classes and receive the benefits of an all-inclusive program.  Prefer a more customized approach?  Choose your child's schedule through our Homeschool Foundations and Connections Classes!

Full Day Program

Students in the Full Day Program are registered as Private School Students in the State of Georgia.

The Full Day Program Includes:


Goal: Provide the building blocks to be successful in reading and math through personalized, needs-based instruction 


Goal: Provide students opportunities to learn about our world through enrichment activities provided by local community organizations 

*History and Science will alternate per 6-week session.  History will be taught in Sessions 1, 3, and 5.  Science will be the focus in Sessions 2, 4, and 6

**During Genius Hour students work on passion projects and student-led, teacher guided projects, in which the student focuses on a topic they are extremely passionate about and creates a project that further cultivates their interest. 

***Special Connections rotate per 6 weeks.  Exposure to different professionals and their crafts widens the students' viewpoints.  Examples of Special Connections Classes include Yoga with Sanskrit Moon, Sewing with "What's She Creating", and other Special Weekly Visitors.