Tri-Cities Christian School

Meeting social, emotional, and academic needs one child at a time

With the many educational paths you can choose for your student, it can be overwhelming to navigate the pros and cons of each option. Tri-Cities Christian School is here as a resource to guide you through the "why" of your selection. 

Our small class size provides your student (and you!) with a professional education partner so you feel empowered to support your child's educational goals. There are four main types of focused learning we use to support your children to thrive in the classroom.

Mastery Based Learning

In both reading and math, students work towards goals chosen to meet their specific needs. These goals are selected following an evaluation and parent-teacher conference before the school year even begins. With this method, you will see progress and growth replace feelings of being stuck and frustrated.

Real World Experience

In all content areas, we believe hands on learning is the way for students to be engaged and excited, and actually remember what they are being taught. Lectures are rare, and lessons include tangible examples of what we want the student to learn. Every school year, students participate in six field trips, which give the children a perspective of the world they live in, outside the classroom.

Thematic Learning

Reading and math curriculum are tied to what the student is also learning in history and science through "themes". By selecting a theme and setting  up the curriculum in this way, students are exposed to content multiple times during the day giving students (especially English Learners and Students with Disabilities) the best chance possible to retain the knowledge.

Needs Based Learning

We use the Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs to identify where to meet each student where they are. We recognize a student is incapable of experiencing growth in areas of education, creativity and skill-development if they have gaps in their foundational skills.

As a student at our school, your child will develop in areas beyond standard topic learning. We believe an academic  experience should be designed to send the student into the world to succeed beyond the classroom and at Tri-Cities Christian Schoool, we prepare the students to do just that. Here are some of the key ways we are committed to focusing on in your child's development. 

Prioritizing Social Emotional Needs

Students come to school needing to be taught how to interact with others and love themselves. This is just as important as learning how to read or how to perform mathematical operations. We emphasize this through building classroom connections.  When there is a problem within the classroom community, we hold a meeting and discuss solutions that can be implemented.

Executive Function Growth 

It is important to teach kids strategies to help themselves with their own learning, focus, and communication. We talk a lot about listening to what your brain is telling you that you need. At TCCS we introduce a number of strategies to help both neurotypical and neurodiverse students thrive in our classrooms. The goal is for kids to be successful in the real world and a big part of that Is for them to know how to ask for what they need.

Community Engagement

Students participate in serving at the local food co-op. Each month they take part In organizing and sorting food that will go to 60+ families in their own community. Service projects like this give children a perspective outside their own environment and teaches them they are part of the larger world.

Focused Goal Setting

When Is the last time you were able to succeed as an adult without a focused goal? Children need to learn how to set goals for themselves and use their energy towards achieving the goals. Students participate in a monitored progress test every six weeks and then discuss the results during a student-teacher conference. The child plays an active role in identifying a realistic goal for the next six weeks and puts it on a graph as a visual reminder for the next session.